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Export your book file to submit to Amazon KDP
Kindle Book Maker generates a ZIP file named:
This is your Kindle book, submit this ZIP to your Kindle Direct Publishing account.
Here are the general steps for submitting a Kindle book to Amazon:
- Create a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account on the Amazon website.
- In your KDP account, click on “Create a new title.”
- Enter the book title, author name, book description, and other required information.
- Upload the book manuscript and cover file in the appropriate format (e.g. .doc, .docx, .pdf for manuscript and .jpg or .png for cover).
- Set the price, royalty options, and other details.
- Preview your book to make sure everything looks good.
- Click “Publish” to submit your book for review.
Once your book is submitted, it will go through a review process to ensure it meets Amazon’s content and quality standards. Once it’s approved, it will be available for purchase on Amazon’s Kindle store. You can also track your sales and make changes to your book listing through your KDP account.